Survey of Appropriateness Between Job-employed and its Influence on Organizational Commitment of Staff (The Case Study in National Refining and Distribution of Oil Company in Iran)



The purpose of this inquiry is analysis of proportion between personal futures and occupational necessities and its influence on organizational commitment. Information collection tools for measurement of organizational commitment was Allen and Myer questionnaire including 15 question, and for measurement of proportion between personal futures and occupational necessities, O*NET questionnaires used. Stability of organizational commitment questionnaire was 0/89 and stability of questionnaire of proportion between personal futures and occupational necessities was0/87and because Kronbakh Alfa in both is over 0/70; therefore both of the questionnaires had enough stability. Statistical community was 150 people. According to the accidental sampling method 80 people as a statistical sample was chosen and finally 78questionnaire was collected.
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test was used, and accepted the normality rate of the data. the hypothesis using independent T-test was tested and its positive and negative of it was proved, so that some staff that were appropriate in personal futures and occupational necessities had more organizational commitment, the other result reveal the fact that only 40 present of staff in this company were appropriate in personal futures and occupational necessities and this company is very week in this respect.
