The Relationships between Power and Dependence in Marketing Channels from Target Perspective: Case of Iran Handmade Carpet Art-Industry

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD student, Farabi campus University of Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Farabi campus, University of Tehran, Iran

4 Professor, Farabi campus University of Tehran, Iran


One of the most important behavioral aspects in relationship among the main members of marketing channel is the issue of power and dependence that here we have looked through the source of power and countervailing power and we have considered Reputation independence, sale and profits and Marketing role dependence. In this research relationship between the two main marketing channel members in handmade carpet art - industry have been studied. In fact the main purpose of this research is the study of the relationship between power and dependence in this channel. Statistical sample of this research consists of 149 workshops that have been chosen randomly through multistage sampling method. The main instruments of gathering information in this research were questionnaire; also Structural equations modeling were used for testing assumption. The result has expressed that countervailing power has an opposite effect on source power and target’s sales and profit dependence and source power has a direct effect on marketing role dependence, the capability of replacement of source has an opposite effect on sales and profit dependence and marketing role dependence and direct effect on countervailing power; also marketing role dependence and reputational dependence have direct effects on sales and profit dependence.


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