Antecedents and consequents of organizational downsizing: Human capital perspective

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associated professor, Faculty of Management, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Candidate of Behavior Management, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran


The main purpose of this study is to exploring the antecedents and consequences of downsizing. The type of research is mixed method and was done with questionnaire and interview. Population of study was all employees of merged organizations that in the qualitative part 54 people selected and in the quantitative part 161 people was selected. Sampling done by available method. To analyzing in qualitative part them analyzing has used and in the quantitative part paired sample t-test has used. The result showed that employee is unsatisfied to this action and have negative attitude about it. From human capital perspective the most important factor in successful implementation of this strategy is the infrastructures and education and the important consequences are disappointment and pessimism in organization that damage the effective relationships and trust in organization.


Main Subjects


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