Relationship between personality traits with job satisfaction and happiness among employees Vali-e-Asr university of Rafsanjan

Document Type : Research Article


1 M.A Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Zarand, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, Rafsanjan, Iran

3 Assistant professor, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Zarand, Iran

4 Ph.D. Student Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Univeristy of Lorestan, Khoramabad, Iran


Employee's happiness is related to engagement, growth of task security, job and family consent that can be resulted from characteristic and environmental factors. The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between personality characteristics with happiness and job satisfaction among employees of Vali-e-Asr university of Rafsanjan. Therefore 150 employees were selected randomly, and were studied by using the questionnaires of five factors inventory(Costa etal,1995), Oxford happiness( Argyle,1989) and Dant(1996) job satisfaction results showed there were significant relationship between extroversion and job satisfaction as well as the relationship between emotional stability, extroversion and compatibility. The results of Regression analysis showed that personality characteristics predict 7% job satisfaction variance and 18% happiness variance Stepwise Regression analyses also revealed that predictor of job satisfaction is extroversion personality characteristic and characteristics of extroversion, compatibility and emotional stability in order are the most important predictors of happiness.


Main Subjects


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