The aim of the present study is examining transfer mechanisms effects on knowledge transfer performance through the cooperative competency mediate factor. Transfer mechanisms include replication and adaptation, and cooperative competency includes trust, communication, and coordination. This is an applied research based on the aim and a correlational research based on the data collection method. Three hypotheses about transfer mechanisms, cooperative competency, and knowledge transfer performance relations were selected by selecting 52 transfer knowledge samples from educational organizations in Tehran. The sampling method was accidental and the data were collected by questionnaire. The data have been also analyzed by SPSS and Amos software. The findings indicate that transfer mechanisms are straightly related to cooperative competency, and cooperative competency is straightly related to knowledge transfer performance. So developing transfer mechanisms and cooperative competency may develop knowledge transfer performance. The results of Sobel test and bootstrap analysis support the mediating role of cooperative competency, as well.
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Rangriz, H. , and Sheidani, S. . "The Effects of Transfer Mechanisms of Knowledge on Performing the Transfer, through Cooperative Competency, in Tehran Educational Organizations", Organizational Culture Management, 15, 3, 2017, 625-645. doi: 10.22059/jomc.2017.124617.1006410
Rangriz, H., Sheidani, S. (2017). 'The Effects of Transfer Mechanisms of Knowledge on Performing the Transfer, through Cooperative Competency, in Tehran Educational Organizations', Organizational Culture Management, 15(3), pp. 625-645. doi: 10.22059/jomc.2017.124617.1006410
H. Rangriz and S. Sheidani, "The Effects of Transfer Mechanisms of Knowledge on Performing the Transfer, through Cooperative Competency, in Tehran Educational Organizations," Organizational Culture Management, 15 3 (2017): 625-645, doi: 10.22059/jomc.2017.124617.1006410
Rangriz, H., Sheidani, S. The Effects of Transfer Mechanisms of Knowledge on Performing the Transfer, through Cooperative Competency, in Tehran Educational Organizations. Organizational Culture Management, 2017; 15(3): 625-645. doi: 10.22059/jomc.2017.124617.1006410