Demonstration of Conceptual Model in Methodology of Islamic Futures Study

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Management Group, Imam Khomeini Institute, Qom, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of History and Political Science, University of Baghreal-ulum, Qom, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Al-Mustafa Community, Qom, Iran

4 Ph.D. Student, Management Group, Imam Khomeini Institute & Researcher of Al-Mustafa Community, Qom, Iran


The methodology of Islamic future studies is the first step in the Islamicization of this knowledge. Identifying it is one of the most important issues in this knowledge. The difference between the approach of Islam to epistemology and ontology is the basis for the differences and important distinctions in the methodology of Islamic futures studies. Therefore, identification of the methodology of Islamic future studies is of special importance based on Islamic teachings and principles. In this research, data were collected by the library method and analyzed by descriptive-analytical method. Finally, three types of methodology for Islamic future studies were identified, that include the analytical methodology of futuristics, aiming at future studies with rational explanation; interpretive methodology focusing on the internal factors of human beings; and intuitive methodology also focusing on the inner experiences of individuals about future issues. As a result, three types of methodology for Islamic futures studies have been achieved.


Main Subjects

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