Identification of Affecting Factors on Intra-organizational Stroke in Public Organizations in Qom Province

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management and Accounting, University of Tehran, College of Farabi, Qom, Iran

2 Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Toloue Mehr University, Qom, Iran


Purpose: In case of interruption of effective communication within the organization, the phenomenon of intra-organizational stroke appears. Since intra-organizational communication is very important, Therefore, paying attention to the factors affecting the incidence of intra-organizational stroke is particularly important. The aim of the current research is to identify the factors affecting the incidence of intra-organizational stroke in government organizations of Qom province.
Methodology: The current research was conducted in terms of applied purpose and qualitative method. The research community was all experts familiar with the research subject and had expertise and experience in the field of organizational behavior and human resources, who had at least ten years of experience in government organizations of Qom province. Eighteen people were selected using the judgmental method and theoretical data saturation criterion. The research tool was semi-structured interview. Thematic analysis and coding methods were used to analyze the data.
Findings: Based on the results, a total of 29 factors were identified, which were placed in six subclasses and two main classes. Individual factors affecting the occurrence of organizational stroke in government organizations were placed in three subclasses, which are negativity (with three concepts). ; Weakness of communication skills (with five concepts); and lack of openness (with two concepts), organizational/management factors were placed in three subclasses, which are structural factors (with 10 concepts); inappropriate communication platform in the organization (with 5 concepts); and management factors (with 4 concepts).
Conclusion: The use of this research will help managers and employees of government organizations in Qom province to identify and control the factors blocking communication in the organization and benefit from smooth and effective communication in the organization.


Main Subjects

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