The corollary that trust has on man's behavior is the same as the effect that belief in Allah has on person's deeds and conduct and it can be called
trusting behavior. In this research, trust-recognizing criteria that include belief in Divinity of Allah, innateness of trust, Unity of Divine Acts, faith,
and piety are taken into consideration. The practical results of trust in the behavior of trusting individuals include tranquility, quietude, expansion of
breast, bravery, strength of heart, resoluteness, endurance, determinati_n, decisiveness and.. .Here the limitations of decision-making, which are called
preventive factors that comprise hurriedness, hastiness, prejudice in decision, impatience, fear of vulgar judgments and... are studied. Making a list of
preventive factors of decision-making behavior and behavioral criteria of trust has an effect to give a model that is discussed here and the effect of
behavioral criteria of trust on obstacles that stand in the way of mangers at the time of decision making are paid attention to.