The present age called post modem by researchers enjoys the characteristic of continuous change and complexity of structures. In such condition, only those mangers are successful who have up-to-date, comprehensive and proper information about the performance of his organization and take proper and correct decision, in proportion to existing changes, for optimizing his organization.
Performance evaluation in various levels, inclusively organizational, divisional and personal, is an answer to managers' informational needs in
current age. Using the mentioned information, they can find out their weak and positive points and take steps in order to enhance their positive points and correct their weak points.
In this research about performance evaluation, after specifying different aspects of performance by using service-profit chain, we have used DEA
(Data Envelopment Analysis) for calculating relative efficiency of each branch in every aspect of performance. Finally, by using TOPSIS (Technique
for Order Preferences by Similarity to Ideal Solution) for mixing efficiency scores we rank each branch.