This research is carried out to show the position of Islamic government m relation to ethics of marketing in ideal and factual levels. This is important, for one of the necessities of -development and economic prosperity is paying attention to ethics of marketing. In this research, three samples; clergies, managers of governmental fIrms and private firm are chosen. Questionnaires were in relation with ethics and Lvcurt marketing.
First in relation to answers of three eroupS to Questions of research. the method of factor analysis for identifvine purposes and multi-dimensionality of various Systems were used. Four factors were achieved that are: the effect of ethics and Islamic values and their long-term profit, the relation .of moral principals with fmancial. success of firms and development of society to new levels of justice, the relation of financial success of fIrms and immoral behaviors and
observing ethics and its gradual propaganda by fIrms. In the next phase of research, in the structure of each factor, a question with highest prime has been chosen as index variable. And for it, a test was carried out between average of the groups answers. The result shows that in the relation with some of the factors, there is meaningful difference emanated from the role and position of each group in society.