Management, in the modem life of human being, is of such undeniable importance and necessity that uould not be unheeded. On this account, since long ago, many scholars has striven to elucidate its principles by writing plenty or books and artiles. What is of foremost importance to us now, after the Islamic government formation, is to
explicate and distinguish management principals within the scope of Islam, which are comprehended from authentic sources such as Koran and Isgamic traditions.
Supervision, in a general sense and unanimous for all, is a management principle to which Islam gives sufficient considerations too. As convincing evidence, Imam Ali's biography, in his short duration of government can be reminded here. In the present study, an attempt has been made, firstly, to view and then to take full advantage of divine and religious system of supervision in Islam. Two separate surveys, as regards Koran and Tradition's view in this respect, have been done.