Nowadays in consequence of widespread changes of corporate governances, chairman of the board has more real authorities on company decisions and due to his significant role in board leadership, is under the pressure of performance expectations. However, these changers are not made as it deserves in Iran and in spite of various effects of Chairman Leadership on board culture – especially team production culture- and board of director's strategic engagement, it requires more researches. Based on this fact, in this survey, boards of production cooperatives (just active firms) in Rasht city using Questionnaire are studied. Results revealed that the effective leadership of chairman can set an effective culture in which team production is on higher priority and subsequently can influence the strategic involvement of board of directors. On the other hand it is proved that open atmosphere of board meetings; preparedness, creativity and cohesion among directors can mediate the relationship between effective leadership of chairman and strategic involvement of board of directors.
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Alavi, M. , and Najafi Siahroudi, M. N. S. . "Investigating the Influence of Board leadership on Director's Strategic Involvement Through Team Production Culture", Organizational Culture Management, 13, 1, 2015, 91-113. doi: 10.22059/jomc.2015.53295
Alavi, M., Najafi Siahroudi, M. N. S. (2015). 'Investigating the Influence of Board leadership on Director's Strategic Involvement Through Team Production Culture', Organizational Culture Management, 13(1), pp. 91-113. doi: 10.22059/jomc.2015.53295
M. Alavi and M. N. S. Najafi Siahroudi, "Investigating the Influence of Board leadership on Director's Strategic Involvement Through Team Production Culture," Organizational Culture Management, 13 1 (2015): 91-113, doi: 10.22059/jomc.2015.53295
Alavi, M., Najafi Siahroudi, M. N. S. Investigating the Influence of Board leadership on Director's Strategic Involvement Through Team Production Culture. Organizational Culture Management, 2015; 13(1): 91-113. doi: 10.22059/jomc.2015.53295