Organizations and companies competing with each other try to attract talented individuals and keep them in themselves. Employer brand can attract talented and it is a set of internal factors related to the personnel which tries to induce individuals that this organization enjoys appropriate place, status and location for work by informing the individuals outside the organization. The talented also will be attracted to the organization which feels that that organization is suitable for them; the important issue is building this positive feeling or image in the talented individual's mind. The present study is to investigate how this image in the talented individual's mind is built for attracting to Refah Bank and its objective is to determine the factors of attracting the talented in Refah Bank. The research employs a qualitative method done in Refah Bank. The data collecting tool is questionnaire analyzed using thematic analysis. The results indicated that five internal factors of employer brand and a peripheral factor have influenced the form of informing and transferring talented individuals and also external factors has influenced the attraction of the talented in Refah Bank.
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barghamadi, G. , and gholipor, A. . "Investigating the Effect of Employer Branding in Attracting Talents in Refah Bank", Organizational Culture Management, 13, 1, 2015, 207-227. doi: 10.22059/jomc.2015.53300
barghamadi, G., gholipor, A. (2015). 'Investigating the Effect of Employer Branding in Attracting Talents in Refah Bank', Organizational Culture Management, 13(1), pp. 207-227. doi: 10.22059/jomc.2015.53300
G. barghamadi and A. gholipor, "Investigating the Effect of Employer Branding in Attracting Talents in Refah Bank," Organizational Culture Management, 13 1 (2015): 207-227, doi: 10.22059/jomc.2015.53300
barghamadi, G., gholipor, A. Investigating the Effect of Employer Branding in Attracting Talents in Refah Bank. Organizational Culture Management, 2015; 13(1): 207-227. doi: 10.22059/jomc.2015.53300