Abstract In today's competitive business environment, intellectual capital management is widely considered as the main factor in order to gain and maintain organization competitive advantage. The main purpose of this paper is presenting a model to evaluate intellectual capital capacity in organizations. In this regard, first by the survey of the related literature, nine criteria of the intellectual capital variable were identified. In the second step by means of judgmental sampling, a committee of 14 human resource experts of Tavanir and its three subsidiary companies was formed and Fuzzy priority method was applied for calculating the relative importance or the criteria weights. In the third step for demonstrating the applicability of the model three subsidiary companies were ranked by fuzzy similarity based on the idea of human resource experts of Tavanir which were selected by judgmental sampling.
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Ebrahimi, E. , , Fathi, M. R. , and Soltani, M. . "Developing an Integrated Model for Intellectual Capital Evaluation Using Fuzzy Priority and Fuzzy Similarity Techniques", Organizational Culture Management, 13, 1, 2015, 229-246. doi: 10.22059/jomc.2015.53301
Ebrahimi, E., Fathi, M. R., Soltani, M. (2015). 'Developing an Integrated Model for Intellectual Capital Evaluation Using Fuzzy Priority and Fuzzy Similarity Techniques', Organizational Culture Management, 13(1), pp. 229-246. doi: 10.22059/jomc.2015.53301
E. Ebrahimi , M. R. Fathi and M. Soltani, "Developing an Integrated Model for Intellectual Capital Evaluation Using Fuzzy Priority and Fuzzy Similarity Techniques," Organizational Culture Management, 13 1 (2015): 229-246, doi: 10.22059/jomc.2015.53301
Ebrahimi, E., Fathi, M. R., Soltani, M. Developing an Integrated Model for Intellectual Capital Evaluation Using Fuzzy Priority and Fuzzy Similarity Techniques. Organizational Culture Management, 2015; 13(1): 229-246. doi: 10.22059/jomc.2015.53301