According to recent researches in the field of positive organizational scholarship, one of the effective components on employees’ job performance and psychological wellbeing is the concept “thriving at work” which implies a feeling of vitality and learning by a person simultaneously while doing job tasks. The results of Pearson correlation test in this research show that thriving at work has a positive and significant relation with job performance (r= 0.254, p= 0.01) and psychological wellbeing (r= 0.551, p= 0.010. Also the results of regression analysis show that thriving at work is a significant predictor of job performance (p< 0.001, β= 0.254) and psychological wellbeing (p< 0.001, β= 0.551) which mean that the more thriving employees feels, the more job performance and psychological wellbeing they have.
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Imani, H. , , Gholipour, A. , and seyyedjavadein, S. R. . "Investigating the Impact of Thriving at Work on Employees’ Job Performance and Psychological Wellbeing (Case: Refah Bank)", Organizational Culture Management, 14, 3, 2016, 829-847. doi: 10.22059/jomc.2016.58901
Imani, H., Gholipour, A., seyyedjavadein, S. R. (2016). 'Investigating the Impact of Thriving at Work on Employees’ Job Performance and Psychological Wellbeing (Case: Refah Bank)', Organizational Culture Management, 14(3), pp. 829-847. doi: 10.22059/jomc.2016.58901
H. Imani , A. Gholipour and S. R. seyyedjavadein, "Investigating the Impact of Thriving at Work on Employees’ Job Performance and Psychological Wellbeing (Case: Refah Bank)," Organizational Culture Management, 14 3 (2016): 829-847, doi: 10.22059/jomc.2016.58901
Imani, H., Gholipour, A., seyyedjavadein, S. R. Investigating the Impact of Thriving at Work on Employees’ Job Performance and Psychological Wellbeing (Case: Refah Bank). Organizational Culture Management, 2016; 14(3): 829-847. doi: 10.22059/jomc.2016.58901