A Framework for Developing Contextual Ambidextrous Human Resource in Aras Free Trade-Industrial Zone

Document Type : Research Article


1 Aras Campus, University of Tehran, Jolfa, Iran

2 Faculty of Management and Accounting, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran


The present study aims to provide a framework for the development of contextual ambidextrous human resources in Aras Free Trade-Industrial Zone. The research method was qualitative through semi-structured interviews by human resource experts in firms within the Aras Free Industrial Zone. To determine the sample group, 15 experts with, at least, 5 years of managerial experience were selected and participated in the research using snowball sampling method. According to the theme analysis method, 11 characteristics were identified classified into five factors of the development of contextual ambidextrous human resource including empowerment, motivation creation, opportunity generation, adaptability, and human resource management which formed the framework for the ambidextrous development of human resources. Therefore, it is essential to consider some mechanisms to develop human resource ambidexterity. Accordingly, it is recommended to consider education and new skills, creative ideas and talent identification to empower employees. Furthermore, it is possible to motivate employees through succession planning based on their competency, as well as by providing support for employees.


Main Subjects

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