Presenting a Model for the Emergence of Micromanagement: Illustrating How Micromanagement Is Formed Using Interpretative-Structural Modeling Method

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Business Administration, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran


Purpose: Among the ineffective management styles, there is a style and manner that, in terms of insight and precision, exhibits excessive attention to detail. In terms of managerial decision, it is known as micromanagement. The managers who adopt this style, lack flexibility and agility to change, and sometimes, due to lack of foresight and excessive micro-vision, They put the organization in trouble. Therefore, this current research aims to present the emergence model of micromanagement and how it was formed using interpretive structural modeling methods.  Methodology: This research is based on a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative research with a sequential exploratory design in the analogical inductive paradigm. The current research is practical in terms of its purpose, employing content analysis in the qualitative phase, and survey method in the quantitative phase. The statistical community of research consists of experts, and its sample members have been selected using Snowball sampling method based on the principle of theoretical adequacy.  The information-gathering tool in the qualitative part of the interview is a semi-structured interview the validity and reliability of which were tested usingthe content method, theoretical validity, and encoder and mediator reliability. Moreover, the tool for gathering information in the quantitative part is a questionnaire the validity and reliability of which were measured using content validity method and retest reliability methods. Findings: The results of the test, based on identification of micromanagement components and presenting a model for how to form this ineffective style indicate that the micromanagement model in this research had four main levels based on formation platforms, correlated and interferer factors, the main factors of micromanagement, and its consequences. The findings indicate that the short-sightedness, a lack of forward-looking culture, a culture based on limited rationality, fast feedback syndrome, a narrow-minded personality, low motivation for change, poisonous effect of success, management based on satisfactory solution, non-learning management, structural pressure, intellectual stagnation, closed communication, displacement of principals and subordinates, and a lack of systemic thinking cause the emergence of micromanagement in organizations.


Main Subjects

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