Causes of the Emergence of Gerontocracy in Iran's Governmental Organizations and its Control Strategies

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Economics and Administration, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran



Today, the management of  governmental organizations in Iran is suffering from the governance of eldery managers and the emergence of gerontocracy. Therefore, the current research aims to identify the causes of the emergence of gerontocracy in these organizations and help them to address it, reducing the effects of gerontocracy in the country. This research has been done with a fundamental orientation and philosophy of constructivism as well as qualitative method, using themes analysis, purposeful sampling and semi-structured interviews with 14 experts in this field. Data analysis started after familiarizing the researchers with the data and continued by creating primary codes and coding, and searching for and identifying themes to draw and analyze the thematic network. Results indicated 50 Concepts, classified into 14 sub-themes and six main themes. The causes of the emergence of gerontocracy in Iran's governmental organizations can be classified into the dimensions of gerontocracy oligarchy, organizational obstacles, legal vacuum. The control strategies of this phenomenon can be classified into the dimensions of developing an efficient governance, reforming power and laws, and paying attention to rationality. The results of the research can improve the future of the youth in the management of organizations and provide a way to entrust matters to worthy young people who adhere to the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Main Subjects

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