From bereavement to burnout; Unpacking the job complexities of employees of Isfahan Bagh Rizvan cemetery

Document Type : Research Article


1 Researcher in ACECR ,Isfahan branch

2 Researcher in ACECR, Isfahan branch



Due to working in an environment that deals with the issue of death and bereavement every day, employees working in a cemetery suffer a lot of psychological, social, and physical pressure. They are exposed to various job injuries, such as job burnout. In this study, this issue is investigated among employees working in the cemetery. The Bagh-e-Rezvan cemetery in Isfahan has been selected as the research field.

The research was conducted using a mixed method and based on an explanatory sequential design. The statistical population includes 136 employees working in Bagh Rizvan cemetery. In the quantitative section, all employees were surveyed. In the qualitative part, 15 participants were selected for interviews in a purposeful sampling from the cases with the highest job burnout level.

The employees of Bagh Rizvan Cemetery feel burnout more than the dimension of personal accomplishment, and job stress has the highest positive correlation with employee burnout compared to other independent variables .The findings indicate that the reasons for the burnout of Bagh Rizvan cemetery employees can be constructed in the themes of "Being labeled and rejected; Lamented mourning, Rejection of occupational identity, Pessimism, and mistrust, Face to face with death, Conflict in job benefits and lost livelihood heritage."


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