Fundamental components in religious management (case study prophetic government)


Due to the importance of management's role in human history and divine religious and specially Islam, obviously one of the most beautiful manifestation of balanced management which is regarded as being inveterate and innovative, surely. The prophetic management was that was based upon Prophet Mohammed's foresight. In this paper we aimed to clarify the essential components of prophetic management from political and cultural viewpoints. In this way, we had introduced
A conceptual model which has three dimensions: individual
Macro, socio-cultural: Also its 14 components are analyzed and briefly explained, and it is clear that every of these dimensions require detailed discussion which we had briefly explained them due to its great size. The brief clarification at the elements some case studies are presented to make the text more tangible in the conclusion section, some solutions are presented which might he useful for others to adopt them, and use them for their work
