Study of effect of obligation to religious functions on pedagogy employees’ organizational commitment (Case: pedagogy employees of Shahriar)

Document Type : Research Article




Present study is conducted to measure the effect of obligation to religious functions on pedagogy employees’ organizational commitment in Shahriar. For this purpose, the variables of two aspects namely “worship” and “ethics” are considered as the constituents of obligation to religious functions and their impact on employees’ organizational commitment is studied. Two questionnaires were used to measure obligation to religious functions and organizational commitment. To analyze data, Pearson correlation, regression analysis, structural equation modeling and Freedman ranking were used. In the meantime, SPSS and LISREL software were also applied.
Research findings reveal that obligation to religious functions and organizational commitment have a significant relationship with confidence level of 99% and in such confidence level, religious functions impacts on pedagogy employees’ organizational commitment positively and directly. Finally, the results show that pedagogy employees pay more attention to “ethics of interaction with nature” & “individual worship” than other aspects.
