Designing a Model for Intelligent Development

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor, Farabi Campus University of Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Tarbiat Moddares University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD. candidate, Farabi Campus University of Tehran and Instructor

4 PhD. candidate, Farabi Campus University of Tehran and Instructor Islamic azad university, Mashhad Branch, Mashhad, Iran


AbstractOne challenge face political system is implementation national development. There are various models for national development. Some countries have relied on import model, but other has emphasis on their indigenous, the purpose of this study is designing intelligence development model in Iranian national context. Based on the selected theory building methodology, we have theorized intelligence development, then have verified by expert opinion.The final model consisted of three dimensions: hard, soft and wet. The result is a model which can be categorized in comparison to progress pattern in its instrumental level (national management) and it clarifies development direction in hard, soft and wet dimensions to achieve life quality




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