Workplace Discourse Analysis: Role of Relational-Executive Episodes at Work

Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


This study is an attempt to adapt a post-structural approach for the analysis of ‘trans-relational’ episodes prevalent in the study of workplace discourse analysis. To do this, the talk between three employees working at the same office was recorded and analyzed based on a discourse analytic framework. The results of data analysis revealed that five type of relational episodes are frequent in this context; a) general narratives, b) organizational narratives, c) greetings and leave takings, d) medial-relational, and e) tans-relational. It was also found that the five prominent application of such episodes are; 1. Appraisal of organizational actions, 2. Disclaimer, 3. Criticism of others, and 5. Expression of organizational identity. Based on the findings it is suggested that the epistemic and methodological role of Discourse Analysis as a mean for analysis of abstract and complex workplace phenomena should be realized. Further, Discourse Analysis implications for developmental of educational purpo


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