Study the effect of Job Characteristics on Organizational Indifference of Employees with a mediator of Person – Organization Fit (Case: Gas Company of Isfahan Province)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor of Management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Professor of Management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

3 Masters of Business Management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Since the staffing are the most important and valuable assets in organization, and achieving organizational goals depends on the commitment and expertise of its human capital, the identification and analysis of issues that impede the flourishing of this valuable asset and led them to be indifference; has a special importance. The aim of this study was analysis of the effect of job characteristics on organizational indifference of employees with a mediator of person-organization fit. This investigation is a practical research. The samples of the study consisted of 340 employees in the gas company of Isfahan province which selected with classification method. Of these samples, 271 questionnaires were returned. The John Wagneer, Scroggins and Danaie fard questionnaires were used for data collection. Analysis of data showed that the model of current study had a good fitness and reported the fitness indexes in results. Results showed that job characteristics had an indirect and positive effect on person-organization fit and negative effect on organizational indifference. Person-organization fit had a negative effect on organizational indifference.



Main Subjects

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