Investigating the Role of Organizational Justice on Employee’s Corruption Tendency in the Organization

Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor, Department Of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Department of Management, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Corruption is a part of problems that any organization experience that in their lifetime inevitably. Organizational justice is the one of most important variables that contributes to the incidence of corruption. Accordingly, the aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of different dimensions of organizational justice on corruption in the organization. To achieve the aim of study in this paper, after reviewing the literature of investigate the various theories of organizational justice and corruption in the organization, How to influence organizational trust on staff with a tendency to corrupt the system perspective tried to take into consideration. The methodology was descriptive and statistical population included managers and experts of the manufacturing companies in East Azarbaijan province which were studied on graduate school in the first semester of academic year 93-94 in the East Azarbaijan’s Industrial Management Organization. In order to collect data in this study used a questionnaire that distributed among the population after determine their validity and reliability. The results of this study show that distributive justice and procedural justice can directly contribute to the tendency of people to corruption in organization.


Main Subjects

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