Impacts of Positive Organizational Behavior on the Reduction of Organizational Cynicism and the Mediating Role of Ethical Leadership

Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management & Accounting, Allameh Tabataba`i, University, Tehran, Iran


Because of increasing importance of dealing with organizational cynicism and reducing its harmful consequences for enterprises, this study attempts to analyze impacts of positive organizational behavior factors on the reduction of organizational cynicism. Psychological capital and psychological empowerment have been considered as the main variables of positive organizational behavior. Therefore, efforts have been made to examine the relationships between positive psychological capital and psychological empowerment and organizational cynicism. Importantly, in the meantime, the role of ethical leadership has been considered as a mediator. This research is a descriptive survey which its statistical population consists of employees of Social Security Branches of Qom Province and required data have been gathered through questionnaires. These data have been analyzed via SPSS 22 and AMOS 22 applications. Results of regression analyses and structural equations tests show that psychological capital, psychological empowerment, and ethical leadership can affect organizational cynicism negatively. While, ethical leadership has a mediating role in these relations.


Main Subjects

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