Designing an Interpretive Structural Model of Toxic Organization’s Antecedents

Document Type : Research Article


1 MSc. Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economy, University of Vali-e-Asr, Rafsanjan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economy, University of Vali-e-Asr, Rafsanjan, Iran


The purpose of this study was designing the interpretive structural model of toxic organization’s antecedents. In this regard, having studied literature and identified antecedents of a toxic organization, a half-closed questionnaire embodied antecedents based on the Likert scale was developed and distributed among 26 experts from administrative organizations in Rafsanjan, using concept and snowball sampling. Based on the fuzzy analysis, the questionnaires statements were screened. Then, the other identified antecedents of toxic organization were screened and after categorizing, the measure for ISM was developed and distributed among mentioned experts. Finally, data were analyzed, and interpretative structural model of the studied phenomenon was drawn. The model possessed 12 variables in six different levels: firstly, toxic external environment; secondly, toxic leadership; thirdly, toxic human resource management and toxic processes; fourthly, toxic physical, job, and organizational structures, fifthly, toxic organizational climate and toxic personal perception; and finally, toxic public ethics, toxic interpersonal communication, and toxic organizational behaviors.


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