Teachers’ Impression Management Tactics (Case Study: Teachers in Girls’ High Schools in Semnan, Mahdishar, and Sorkhe)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Prof, Faculty of Economics, Management & Administrative Sciences, University of Semnan, Semnan, Iran

2 Assistant Prof, Faculty of Economics, Management & Administrative Sciences, University of Semnan, Semnan, Iran

3 MSc. Student, Faculty of Economics, Management & Administrative Sciences, University of Semnan, Semnan, Iran


Impression management includes tactics that people employ to manage their impression on others’ minds. Staff relationships and identifying tactics, which teachers use to manage their impressions, have considerable importance in schools. Hence, the purpose of this qualitative study was to identify teachers’ impression management tactics with thematic analysis. Data collection instrument was semi-structured interview using a sample of 22 teachers in girls’ high schools in Semnan, Mahdishar, and Sorkhe. Interviews were done by snowball sampling method. First, primary concepts were extracted from interviews, then several sub-themes were found by coding and rating the interviews. Considering experts’ opinions, 8 main themes were found as teachers’ Impression management tactics from these sub-themes: ingratiation, self-promotion, demonstration, supplication, intimidation, conservative behaviors, silent protest, and response to challenging situations.


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