Designing a New Model for Measuring Organizational Subcultures (Case Study: IOPTC)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. Student, Management Department, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Management Department, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran


The objective of this research was to develop a subculture model using grounded theory methodology. To do this, first, important work practices identified by conducting explorative interviews with a nonprobability sample of 53 experts of IOPTC chosen using purposive and snowball methods and coding those interviews. Then, these practices were grouped using content analysis and, in following, a researcher-prepared 50-item questionnaire was developed based on these practices’ dimensions which led to the initial model. Using total population sampling, the research questionnaire constructed from the model questionnaire, and six demographic questions were distributed among the personnel of the Central Office of IOPTC as research population, and answers from 255 respondents provided the data for testing the validity and reliability of the model. Next, validity analysis was performed on the initial model via Principal Component Analysis (PCA). In this process, the final valid model was developed by correcting the initial model by removing 23 invalid items from the model questionnaire and changing its dimensional composition. Using Cronbach's Alpha, the reliabilities of the final model’s dimensions were also proved. This work practices-founded model has 9 dimensions that are: development, management, participation, training, stress, support, productivity, bureaucracy, and cooperation that are measured via a 27-item questionnaire.


Main Subjects

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