The Manifestation of Confucian Philosophy in Iranian Businesses: Cultural Consequences and Judgments

Document Type : Methodologies


1 Instructor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj Branch, Iran

2 MSc, Faculty of Management & Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


Nowadays, the observance of moral and social issues in businesses is considered as part of the added value which can be offered to the customers. There has been developed a novel approach to oriental business management in this regard – called “Confucian principles” – which is based on the human attributes and spirit. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of these principles on the creation of multidimensional values and sustainable market for the stakeholders and to evaluate the resulting consequences and judgments. To this end, Mahak charity fund was selected and studied as the research population. In terms of methodology, this study is an applied research projects based on the descriptive-survey methods of data collection. Accordingly, the data was collected using a questionnaire. The content validity of factors was confirmed through expert opinion, and the measure structure validity was confirmed using factor-analysis-based convergent and divergent validity types. The reliability of the questionnaire was measured and confirmed using Chronbach’s alpha index. In addition to the clarification of the realization of the variables under study, the findings of the study at hand revealed that the suggested Confucian principles are appropriate predictors of customer equity, sustainable marketing, as well as moral and social judgments, in a way that based on the goodness of fit model, we can acknowledge that moral and social judgments are significantly impacted by independent variables suggested in this study.


Main Subjects

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