The Requirements of the Institutionalization of Culture From the Viewpoint of the Quran

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Imam Khomeini Educational And Research Institute

2 Professor, Shahid Beheshti University

3 Assistant Professor, Qom University


One of the problems that the public officials face at micro and macro levels is the institutionalization of their desired beliefs, values, and behaviors. Various suggestions have been made in the related literature for the institutionalization of the intended culture, which are mostly taken from the epistemic approaches common in the Western societies. One of the main duties of the researchers of the Islamic humanities domain is to put forth theories about and express the requirements of institutionalization based on the Islamic principles and premises. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to examine the requirements of institutionalization of culture related to the individuals (as the addressee of institutionalization) from the viewpoint of the Quran. In this study, the comprehensive free-investigation method was used based on emerging grounded theory. The findings of this study indicate that the main requirements of institutionalization at individual level can be classified into three groups, namely “insight” (including belief in the content; observance of principles and avoidance of compromise; and belief in all religious teachings), “inclination” (including not accepting the guardianship of disbelievers, and being farsightedness and disregarding the transient interests), and “practical behaviors” (including believing in Islam and practicing it, determining redlines, and identifying goals).


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