Oral history of management knowledge in Iran

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management & Accounting, Allameh Tabatabaii University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Management, Faculty of Economic, Management & Public Administration, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran


Background. Historical research of management in Iran has not been studied or has not been methodical. Oral history of management in Iran has not been considered a common method in historiography by researchers.
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to record the memories and observations of professors and veterans aware of the evolution of management knowledge in Iran to record and preserve the oral history of management in Iran. The main purpose of oral history is to record and preserve the memories and information of those who are aware of historical events in a particular field.
Design / Methodology / Approach. In this article, the oral narratives of several professors and veterans of management knowledge in Iran are studied and recorded using the oral history method. The interviewees were the main actors in different periods of management development in Iran who were aware of the process of formation and development of management knowledge in Iran.
Findings. From interviews and conversations with professors and veterans, memories, observations, hearings, and information were obtained that were narrated raw and without manipulation and the intervention of historians, and have shaped the oral history of management knowledge in Iran.
Results. This study has resulted in a reliable and citationable historical compilation by the principles and stages of one of the scientific and accepted methods of historical studies, namely oral history which can be studied by other management researchers and historians.


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