Understanding the institutional action of human resource management

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management and Accounting, University of Tehran, College of Farabi, Qom, Iran

2 Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, University of Imam Sadiq, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this research is to understand the institutional action of human resource management. Twenty semi-structured interviews were conducted based on purposive sampling and theoretical saturation, and through thematic analysis, 68 basic themes, 14 organizing themes, and four global themes were selected after recoding. The global themes are the institutional context, actions, conflicts, and practices; Organizing themes of the institutional context of HRM include institutional complexity, institutional change, and HRM actors. HRM actors conceptualize conceptualize the dimensions of the institutional context through institutional intelligence and give meaning to their actions with HRM logic through two categories of proactive and reactive actions. In other words, the implementation of practices is based on the way of giving meaning to the institutional logic in HRM logic. Proactive actions include institutional work and institutional entrepreneurship, customization, bricolage, combination, leveraging, updating, recreating, and integrating institutional logic in HRM logic logic in HRM logic, and structural actions include action-oriented organizing, networking, and making agile. Reactive actions include the legitimization of HRM logic in the context, loose coupling, prioritization, standardization, and proportionate logicinstitutional logic in HRM logic, and downsizing and outsourcing the structure. These actions are in response to three categories of conflicts, including the conflict of HRM logic with institutional logic, the conflict of HRM logic with contradictory institutional logic, as well as the conflicts of HRM logic (including the conflict of HRM logic with the organization logic, the conflict between the logic of HRM practices and the conflict within the HRM practices logic). Based on the findings, the conceptual model of the research was presented.


Main Subjects

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