Identifying The Skills Of The Management Team In The Development Of Dynamic Capabilities In New Ventures (Case Study: IT Businesses)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Faculty of Entrepreneurship. University of Tehran

2 Faculty of Entrepreneurship,University of Tehran

3 Management and Accounting, University of Sistan and Baluchestan

4 Farabi campus


The purpose of this study is to identify the skills of the management team in developing dynamic capabilities in new ventures. The methodology is a qualitative multiple-case study analysis. Data were collected through the study of documentary sources and semi-structured interviews with 15 managers in the field of information technology in Tehran, through targeted sampling. In the open coding stage, 84 open codes were identified from the analysis of the interviews, and after refining and merging similar codes, 17 codes were finalized. Based on the results, 4 management skills were identified in the development of dynamic capabilities in new ventures. These skills include Cognitive, human, technical and effectuation skills that lead to the development of dynamic capabilities and improve the company's performance. These results provide valuable insights for managers and entrepreneurs on how to create and develop dynamic capabilities in new ventures.


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