Understanding the basics of strategic decision-making methodology based on the methodological implications of the Holy Quran (with the example of Surah Anfal)

Document Type : Methodologies


1 Department of Business Management, School of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Strategic Development Research Center (Roshd), Qom, Iran



Purpose: The purpose of this article is to understand the basics of strategic decision-making methodology based on the methodological implications of the Holy Quran and with the example of Surah Anfal.
Method: This article is based on the combined mechanism of two methods of denotation research as well as the logic of denotation in the literature of fundamental science. In this regard,, theme analysis and content analysis were used in Atlas for data analysis. ti software, and some implications based on the fundamentals of strategic decision-making methodology were understood and explained. Findings: The result of this methodical process was the extraction of 120 primary codes,16 basic themes 120 primary codes,16 basic themes, and four organizing themes, which were formed under the Qur'an-based strategic decision-making methodology.
Conclusion: Finally, the methodological implications of strategic decision-making are organized under the four general headings of strategic decision-making methodology system, effective components in the processing of strategic decision-making methods, location of evidence for strategic decision-making processing, quality and goodness of explanation.


Main Subjects

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