An Improved Model for Enterprise Process of Student Registration in the Board of Trustees Schools Using Enterprise Architecture Approach

Document Type : Research Article


1 Faculty of Computer Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

2 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Computer Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran



Nowadays, enterprises face two challenges: complexity and frequent changes in business and technology. in order to survive in their ecosystem and compete with competitors, they are looking for solutions and methods to effectively manage, update, and optimize their businesses and services manage, update and optimize their businesses and services effectively. Enterprise architecture is the solution to overcome the above two problems. Enterprise architecture is a technical, top-down, and comprehensive view of the organization that defines all the components of an organization and the connections between them. In more technical terms, "enterprise architecture" is a set of technical maps, diagrams, and documents that can be used to draw the current state of the organization, identify the bottlenecks, and draw the ideal state of the organization, and then formulate a plan to migrate to the desired state. And operated. In this article, one of the four main processes of the second secondary school board of trustees of Iran Education Organization, which is the registration process and challenges and affects a large audience (stakeholders) every summer, is examined and with the approach of organizational architecture and according to We introduce ADM (TOGAF) method, a desirable and improved model for it in all layers of organizational architecture. The improved model was implemented in three schools, and its performance results were compared and evaluated using a questionnaire. According to the values ​​obtained from the indices of statistical tests, the proposed improved model has performed better than the traditional model.


Main Subjects

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