Meta-Synthesis of Human Resources Manager’s Roles in the Field of Health and Treatment

Document Type : Research Article


1 Department of Human Resource Management Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Human Resource Management, Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran



The aim of this research is to identify and rank the roles of human resource managers in the field of health and treatment. The research is an applied study in terms of collecting data and a mixed method in terms of data nature. In the qualitative Section, the Meta-synthesis method was used to identify the role of human resource Managers. One hundred seventy-seven documents were searched from reliable scientific databases, and after screening 87 document were included in the analysis. The Shannon entropy weighting method was used to rank the roles of human resource managers. The questionnaire was used to collect data. The participants in the research were ten human resource managers of health and treatment. Analysis of documents in the qualitative phase led to the identification of 7 roles, including Developmental, Functional, and Change pioneer the qualitative phase led to the identification of 7 roles, including Developmental, Functional, Change Pioneer, Employees Advocate and Service Delivery, Communicational, and Strategic roles. The results of the ranking of human resources showed that empowerment in the role of developer, mastery in the professional affairs of human resources in the role of functional, support of employees in the role of Advocate employee advocate and Service Delivery, designer of human resources programs and policies, Advisor and decision maker in the role of strategic, networking/team-building in the role of communication, innovation in the implementation of affairs in the role of change pioneer and forecaster/opportunist in the role of the researcher were ranked first. Therefore, policymakers and managers of the health and treatment sector are advised to pay attention to the new roles of human resource managers in accordance with environmental changes.


Main Subjects

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