Designing a model for Evaluating the Cultural Governance in the Light of Nahj al-balagheh

Document Type : Research Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Kish International Campus, University of Tehran.Iran.

2 Faculty of Management & Accounting, University of Tehran, College of Farabi, Qom

3 Department of Public Administration, Colledge of Management Faculty of Public Administration and Organizational Science, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran



Purpose:Cultural governance expresses a set of respect and action with the wisdom of culture that the government should have. In I.R.of Iran, cultural governance cannot be achieved without paying attention to the behavior and nature of Alavi’s governance and the teachings and guidelines of Nahj al-Balagha,

Nahj al-Balagha is the charter of governorship, guidance, and prosperity and includes the deepest layers of culture and cultural management, which guides the way to the perfection of governance and climbing to the peak of truth.

For this reason, all Publicpolicy makers and role-makers in the field of cultural governance should try to ensure that these teachings are followed in all stages of the country's cultural policy-making and become the daily work of every people and government employee.

Method:This research has an interpretative orientation, In terms of purpose, Applied and developmental; In terms of strategy, discovery; In terms of approach, inductive; in terms of method, Qualitative research; In terms of data collection method, Library; Regarding the research Strategy(Implementation method), Thematic analysis method has been used.

Conclusion: In this research, first, 1977 characteristics of cultural governance evaluation were extracted from the text of Nahj al- Balagha and using the theme analysis method, 564 identifiers and 42 areas were identified and analyzed and categorized into 4 Political, Administrative, Economic & Sotial structures.

The findings of this research can be used as a basis for writing and evaluating new Publicpolicy makings in governance, revising the codified cultural policies and compiling the country's strategic documents.
