Crisis Management Strategy in Hazrat Zainab (A.S) Method

Document Type : Research Article




If crisis defined as time of danger or concern, and regard it as a situation which getting out of it is difficult, without a doubt, the most critical juncture of the history is the decade of the 60 AH.
The model of crisis management demanded a comprehensive plan that would be observed the best insights and techniques to manage the crisis. We call this program, strategelogy of crisis management.
Obviously, in this program, first must be identified the critical points and then map the goals, methods and approaches to be taken as appropriate.
The most important crisis of that era can be named 1) the knowledge and belief crisis; 2) the behavioral and moral crisis and 3) the psychological and mental crisis.
On the other hand, there are three strategic approaches in sirah Zainab Kubra (A.S) which goal the crisis earlier:
1) The destructive and humiliating approach in order to disgrace of Bani-omayyah and Yazydiyan.
2) The punitive and warning approach in order to awakening the people and consolidating and clarifying the nature of the uprising of Imam Hussain (A.S).
3) The soothing and defensive approach in order to reduce the psychological and mental pains and protection of the caravan of Imam Hossein.
