Managers‘ Obligation to Ethics and Rumors Management in Public Organizations

Document Type : Research Article


1 Professor, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran,Iran

2 Doctor of Business Administration and Ph. D Student of Management (Policy Making), Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Iran


Rumors regarding the nature and influence of social anxiety that can increase productivity and reduce production and social validity Employees, managers, agencies and organizations impair the. In this regard, we expect people who are ethics obligation, understand, analyze and manage rumors, have distinct behaviors. This study aimed to describe concepts such as gossip and review of management practices and control in organizations is moral. Two standard questionnaire (alpha = .82 manage rumors, and .91 to adhere to ethics) among managers, deputies and four senior ministers have been distributed. Results show that the overall correlation between adherence to the Code of Conduct by directors and managing their organizations rumored to exist. Additionally, the findings suggest that education, gender, experience and position in the management and adherence to ethical principles affect rumor.


Main Subjects

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