An Examination of Culture Role in Managers "Belief and Commitment of Governmental Organizations toward Strategic Management (A Study of Distribution Department of Electrical Industry, The Manager of Electrical Distribution Companies: Qom, Zanjan, Yazd, & Kohkiluye va Boyer Ahmad)

Document Type : Research Article


1 MSc., Farabi Campus University of Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Farabi Campus University of Tehran, Iran


There is no doubt that Iranian organizations need efficient methods of management especially strategic management to gain excellence. However most of management‘s concepts and methods are based on western culture values. Basic assumption and values of Iranian community would have a great effect on the mind and efficiency of those managers whose awareness, belief, and commitment to scientific methods of management is not clear. What is intended in this survey is to examine the relation of national culture ,industry culture ,and senior managers' competence( organizational culture in managers 'level)with managers 'belief and commitment to strategy. In this survey, two quantitative and qualitative methods have been used. Firstly, quantitative out comes (correlate method) show that industry culture has a great effect on senior managers’ commitment toward strategy. Furthermore, both of these factors affect managers' commitment toward strategy greatly. Secondly, qualitative out comes (librarian study) examine cultural and comportment factors which are effective in managers "belief and their commitment toward strategy.


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