Meaning and Concept of Quality Culture Based on The View of Stakeholders at Tehran University

Document Type : Research Article


1 in Educational Measurement and Evaluation, University of Tehran.

2 Associate professor, Department of Curriculum Development & Instruction Methods, faculty of psychology and education, University of Tehran

3 Associate professor, Department of Curriculum Development & Instruction Methods, Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

4 Associate professor, Department of Curriculum Development & Instruction Methods, University of Tehran


Objective: this study aimed to analyze the meaning and concept of quality culture based on the commonality and differences of faculty members, managers, employees, and students of Tehran University.

Methods: The approach of this study was qualitative and interpretive phenomenology. The research participants included four categories of stakeholders including: faculty members, employees, managers and students of Tehran University, which were selected and saturated after 61 interviews.

Results: The findings led to the identification of 3 main themes, 19 sub-themes and 66 indicators agreed by all stakeholders. In examining the difference; Students of answer-oriented culture, faculty members of progress-oriented culture, managers of quantitative-oriented culture and employees of justice-oriented culture consider their desired dominant culture towards quality. The conceptual comparison of quality culture in different educational groups showed that the dominant view and perception in different faculties are different from each other.

Conclusion Based on the findings, quality culture is a multidimensional issue that, beyond the conceptual commonality, has had maximum diversity and pluralism in terms of the academic side and educational groups.


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