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A Conceptual Model of the Quality of student-teacher at Farhangian University

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 09 October 2024


Nahid Naderibeni; Hossein Khanifar; Behnam Jafarimajd

Corporate Citizenship and its Role in Creating Organizational Trust and Organizational Identification

Volume 17, Issue 3, October 2019, Pages 399-419


Asghar Moshabaki Esfahani; Soheil Nejat; Fereshteh Khalili Palandi

The Study of the Effect of Emotional Intelligence Dimension on the Employee Performance (Case: Sport Channel of Islamic Republic of Iran)

Volume 15, Issue 2, July 2017, Pages 373-392


Seyed Mahdi Sharifi; Mohammad Hosain Zarifian Yeganeh; Ali Mohammad Saberi

Relationship between personality extraversion-introversion with job satisfaction in disabled employees

Volume 14, Issue 4, January 2017, Pages 1025-1042


Hossein Abdolahi; Mohammad Kamali; Hossein Mobaraki

Training Needs Assessment of Managers/ Administrators of Hajj Caravans

Volume 14, Issue 4, January 2017, Pages 1043-1066


Zeinab Molavi; Seyed Ebrahim Asadollahi; Ali Moghadamzadeh